Intern Stories: Brielle Smeby

Brielle Smeby
Pork Sales Intern
What was your role at Zoetis?
I was the Pork Sales Intern based out of Ames, Iowa. This summer we dove into subclinical ileitis which is a bacteria that occurs in the finisher stage of pigs. Our goal was to make producers aware of this problem before it is recognizable, and we did this by taking samples and diagnostics and reporting our findings to them and informing them on the solutions that Zoetis can provide.
How was your Zoetis experience?
I am very grateful for my experience at Zoetis. I was able to get into many barns and meet with different producers and companies. Zoetis has allowed us to interact with the customers face-to-face and ask questions. Because of that, communication was key to this internship as I have reached out to production managers and vet technicians to set up a time to meet.
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel during my internship to places like Nebraska, Minnesota, and all over Iowa. It’s been a great experience to be with Zoetis and to have the ability to go out and be with customers. The amount of people I met this summer has been endless and will benefit me in the future.
What do you like to do outside of Zoetis?
I like to spend time with my family and in my community. I help a lot at the county fair since my dad is on the fair board. We like to camp a lot as a family and have been able to do so in our new camper. I also love to travel and have been to Haiti twice for mission trips, Peru, and the United Kingdom.
What advice would you give future interns at Zoetis?
Don’t be afraid and do everything 110%. We aren’t just interns; we are prospects. Being able to do what you are told, and do it more than right is my advice. It is important to have a strong work ethic, great attitude, and a willingness to jump in and not be afraid to meet new people and ask questions. I learn the most when I am interested and asking questions.