Communities: Care and Collaboration
Caring for Our Communities
$7.4 million
invested in communities through corporate giving in 2022
$5.7 million
disbursed through grants by the Zoetis Foundation in 2022

The Zoetis Foundation
In 2022, the Zoetis Foundation continued to advance opportunities for veterinarians and farmers around the world. The Zoetis Foundation is committed to its goal of $35 million in grants distributed by the end of 2025 to support the Foundation’s three grant-making priorities: Education, Well-being and Livelihoods.
25 initiatives impacting 20 countries were supported by Zoetis Foundation grants in 2022
The Zoetis Foundation funds grants for organizations who provide scholarships, debt relief solutions, and other initiatives to drive a more inclusive veterinary community and broader access to veterinary and technician training.
The Zoetis Foundation’s focus on mental health emphasizes the importance of well-being for veterinary healthcare teams.
The Zoetis Foundation funds capacity building initiatives and business planning programs that help veterinary practices and farmers develop sustainable businesses, protect family legacy and thrive in an increasingly dynamic industry.
Engaging our Colleague Resource Groups (CRG) in Community Giving
The Zoetis Foundation also provided opportunities for our colleagues to give back to causes that matter to them. Through the Colleague Resource Group (CRG) Philanthropy Grants program, Zoetis CRGs are invited to propose grantee suggestions for possible funding by the Zoetis Foundation. In 2022, all eight Zoetis CRGs submitted recommended organizations they felt supported their mission and were aligned with the Foundation’s values to strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion. Read more about the CRG Philanthropy Grants program grantees here.

It Takes A Village Foundation
It Takes a Village Foundation’s Vet for a Day program gives kids ages 12 to 15 from communities that are underrepresented in the veterinary profession an immersive look at careers in veterinary medicine. The Zoetis Foundation is the Founding Sponsor of the Vet for a Day program and with the support of grant funding from the Zoetis Foundation, Vet for a Day expanded its reach into six additional cities in 2022, empowering children in Baton Rouge, Houston, Las Vegas, Miami, Philadelphia and St. Louis to see themselves working in the animal health industry someday.
Zoetis colleagues also volunteer their time to inspire Vet for a Day participants to see the opportunities available in a career in veterinary medicine. The program has received meaningful support from the BELIEVERS CRG, whose members have given presentations and helped support the execution of Vet for a Day events throughout the year.
"I’m so proud to see the Zoetis Foundation help Vet for a Day scale into a nationwide program, building a more inclusive veterinary community. It was an honor and a pleasure to support this program by volunteering with fellow BELIEVERS CRG members at multiple events across the country."
James White, Account Manager, U.S.
Support our communities

Contribute 2,500 volunteer days (20,000 hours) annually in the communities we serve
9,165 hours of volunteer time contributed by our colleagues, 46% of our stated goal. While we recognize we have a way to go to achieve our goal, the gradual return to in-person events in 2022 enabled our colleagues to begin to do more in their communities, with more than 3,000 additional hours logged in 2022 over 2021. We expect to see volunteer hours continue to increase as more colleagues take advantage of our U.S. Dollars for Doers program.
At Zoetis, our colleagues are committed to making a positive impact—not only for animals and those who care for them, but also for our communities. Zoetis provides paid time off for colleagues to volunteer their time, share their expertise and participate in other activities to help nonprofit organizations and those in need. Through the Zoetis Foundation, we also support a U.S. Matching Gifts program and a U.S. Dollars for Doers program.
- Volunteer Time Off: Zoetis supports giving back to communities with our Volunteer Day Policy, which allows colleagues one or more days of paid time off per calendar year to volunteer for a charitable organization of their choice in most markets.
- U.S. Dollars for Doers: Our Dollars for Doers program allows eligible colleagues to receive Zoetis Foundation matching funds of $10 for every hour volunteered, which can be donated to eligible nonprofit organizations of the colleague’s choice.
- U.S. Matching Gifts: By matching colleague donations, the Zoetis Foundation encourages colleagues to donate to their favorite nonprofit organizations.
For both the U.S. Dollars for Doers and U.S. Matching Gifts program, the Zoetis Foundation will match colleague donations up to $1,000 per colleague per year.

Celebrating Pride in New Jersey
Colleagues from our Proud And Welcome (PAW) CRG volunteered at North Jersey Pride, a Pride Month celebration attended by thousands of LGBTQ+ community members and straight allies. The event was a meaningful opportunity to stand together as #OneZoetis with our community to demonstrate inclusion, celebrate diversity and promote equity.
"Pride in 2022 was very special for me as I was able to attend different events alongside my colleagues. I was especially excited for North Jersey Pride as I got to meet and volunteer with PAW members and colleagues in person while sharing Zoetis’ support for the LGBTQ+ community."
Yassin Tajafrat, Sr. Associate, Supply Chain
Support veterinary professionals

Provide at least $1 million in scholarships to veterinary students annually, focusing on underrepresented groups where possible
The Zoetis Foundation provided grants of $2.5 million, and Zoetis provided approximately an additional $160,000 in corporate contributions for scholarships to support more than 500 students. In the U.S., 48% of students supported by the Zoetis Foundation/Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) Veterinary Student Scholarship Program are members of traditionally marginalized or underrepresented communities and 21% identify as LGBTQ+.
The Zoetis Foundation proudly contributed $2.5 million to scholarship programs in 2022, and Zoetis provided approximately $160,000 in additional funding in corporate contributions. Scholarships supported through the Zoetis Foundation include the AAVMC Veterinary Student Scholarship Program, which provides financial scholarships to second- and third year veterinary students to address the issue of student debt, while also working to foster diversity in the veterinary profession. The Zoetis Foundation’s commitment to this program from 2021 to 2022 has helped reduce the burden of student debt for veterinary students. In the two-year period, the Foundation supported more than 800 scholarships by providing $3.2 million in grants. Read more about scholarships funded by the Zoetis Foundation here.
Provide access to professional programs for veterinarians in the markets where we have a presence
Zoetis continued to invest in professional programs in 100% of our markets, through Zoetis-led programs and in partnerships with external organizations.
Zoetis is committed to investing in professional programs around the world. In the U.S., Zoetis partnered with the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) to continue to execute the Beyond Medicine Workshop, providing veterinarians with hands-on skills for non-medical parts of their job, such as communicating with clients, overcoming professional challenges and caring for their own well-being. In Thailand, Zoetis funded training for veterinarians across a number of skill areas including biosecurity, antibiotic use, bacterial diseases and data analysis. In the Czech Republic, Zoetis supported dermatology and osteoarthritis lectures for veterinarians.

Project WAG (Well-being and Growth)
In 2022, Zoetis launched Project WAG to create a positive impact on the lives of veterinary professionals and the future of veterinary medicine. This initiative strives to go beyond awareness of well-being challenges in the veterinary profession to provide easy access to resources and tools designed for self-care.
Expand veterinary care access to populations in need

Annually report on the number of pet owners reached through community programs and in-kind contributions
Zoetis provided approximately $2.2 million in monetary and in-kind contributions to support approximately 186,000 pet owners in need.

Supporting Underserved Communities
In 2022, we provided approximately $2.2 million in monetary and in-kind contributions to support pet owners throughout the world. In the U.S., Zoetis held a heartworm prevention clinic with The Inner Pup, a veterinary clinic that provides low- and no-cost veterinary care for dogs in a Louisiana community. In Canada, we supported rural and underserved communities by providing in-kind contributions to Veterinarians Without Borders. Across many of our global markets, we provided product contributions to support guide dog programs.
Provide animal care in disaster relief

Annually report on the number of animals cared for through community programs and in-kind contributions
Zoetis provided approximately $1.7 million in monetary and in-kind product contributions to care for over 560,000 animals impacted by disasters.

Helping After Natural Disasters
In 2022, Zoetis provided approximately $1.7 million in monetary and product contributions to help more than 560,000 animals in need. We partner with local organizations and non-profits to support communities during times of crises and natural disasters including donating $400,000 in in-kind contributions to support veterinarians and rescues impacted by Hurricane Ian and Fiona.

Download our 2022 Sustainability Report
See how our colleagues are making the difference toward a better world by helping us achieve our Driven to Care commitments to Communities, Animals and the Planet.
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