Animals: Innovation in Animal Health
Combat Diseases
Combat diseases that pose the greatest risk to animals and humans

Invest in R&D for emerging infectious diseases
Continued to invest in developing vaccines and diagnostics against emerging infectious disease, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Foot-and-Mouth Disease and African Swine Fever.
Continued our partnership with Texas A&M University to operate the Transboundary and Emerging Disease Vaccine Development Facility in College Station, Texas.
Continued partnering with leading researchers to pursue a safe and efficacious vaccine against African Swine Fever, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, The Pirbright Institute (UK) and Friedrich Loeffler Institute (Germany).
Provide our innovative vaccines to all relevant markets via tenders or other go-to-market pathways
Initiated distribution of Rabies vaccine to the WOAH Rabies Vaccine Bank to support the Zero by 30 initiative to eliminate human deaths from Rabies.
Renewed contract to provide Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) vaccine to the U.S. National Veterinary Stockpile until 2027. As of 2021, our CSFV vaccine includes an added claim for vaccinating breeding sows to reduce transplacental infection caused by CSFV to give farmers and governments more tools to work towards eradicating the diseases by providing fetal protection.
In Brazil we worked in collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), Brazilian Association of Swine Producers, Brazilian Association of Animal Proteins and many other associations in the National Plan of Classical Swine Fever Eradication Program. In 2022, we donated approximately 200 thousand doses of vaccine and mobilized resources to do trainings to ensure the plan was implemented. Additionally, we have an agreement with MAPA to provide vaccine to the stockpile.

Emerging and infectious diseases
Through our Center for Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (CTED), we develop and support access to vaccines for high-impact infectious diseases including Avian Influenza, African Swine Fever, Canine Influenza, Foot and Mouth Disease, Rabies and SARS-CoV-2.
In alignment with UN SDG 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing, our contributions to global efforts to end human deaths from dog-mediated Rabies will save the lives of children, protect the livelihood of adults, improve equity and access to care, and strengthen human and veterinary health systems.

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