Zoetis Foundation Supports DE&I Giving
July 7, 2023
At Zoetis, our colleagues make a difference in their communities by giving back. Through the Colleague Resource Group (CRG) Philanthropy Grants Program, the Zoetis Foundation involves Zoetis colleagues as a resource for focusing its grantmaking, while helping colleagues increase their impact. The Foundation collaborated with the Talent, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (TDE&I) team to seek CRG recommendations for grant recipients that support causes that matter to them.
Zoetis’ eight CRGs bring together colleagues who share similar backgrounds, experiences, or interests to build community and work toward common goals. Their important roles in fostering workplace inclusivity and their missions are closely aligned with how the Foundation strives to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion across its focus areas of Education, Well-being, and Livelihoods for veterinarians and farmers. The Foundation recognizes CRGs as catalysts to enriching its charitable giving to DE&I causes and is thrilled to support the program for a second year.
Through the CRG Philanthropy Grants Program, the Zoetis Foundation invited Zoetis' CRGs to propose grantee suggestions to the Foundation for possible funding. CRGs submitted organizations they felt supported the Foundation's mission and focus areas aligned with the Foundation's values to strengthen DE&I.
We’re proud to share the CRG Philanthropy Grants Program recipients for this year. These organizations are working across a wide range of issue areas to create a positive impact in our world, demonstrating what’s possible when we come together as One Zoetis:
- The Age-Less Inspirations Valued and Experienced (ALIVE 50+) CRG recommended the Pets for the Elderly Foundation whose mission is to provide companionship to senior individuals through pet ownership while saving the lives of companion animals in shelters.
- The Asians Rising Together (ART) CRG put forth the Asian Mental Health Collective, which is building a community for Asian mental health support.
- The Black Employees Leading in Inclusion, Equity, Vision, Education, Recruitment, and Strategy (BELIEVERS) CRG proposed Management Leadership for Tomorrow, which equips and emboldens high-achieving individuals from underrepresented communities to realize their full potential.
- The Differently-abled/Neurodiversity Alliance (DNA) CRG recommended the Special Olympics Inc, which provides sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
- Our Latinx (LaZos) CRG recommended support for El Futuro, Inc. which provides community-based mental health services to Latinx families.
- The Proud And Welcome (PAW) CRG proposed support for True Colors, an organization that is working to end homelessness among LGTBQI+ youth around the world.
- The Women Achieving Vision Excellence and Success (WAVES) CRG proposed The Malala Fund, which is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead.
- The Zoetis Early Career Champions (ZECC) CRG recommended support for the National 4-H Council, an organization working to expand opportunities for all of America’s youth by developing citizenship, leadership, and life skills.