Animals: Innovation in Animal Health
Innovating for Sustainable Solutions
Provide products and services that enable productive and sustainable livestock farms that preserve animal welfare

Innovate to create and drive adoption of key sustainable animal health solutions
Developed a Better Future Framework, which integrates key environmental, social and farmer/rancher economic considerations into our new product evaluation process.
Developed resources for U.S. Dairy colleagues to highlight how Zoetis products can help dairy farmers achieve their sustainability goals throughout the animal lifecycle, including genetics, vaccines and treatments.
Completed a study of our CLARIFIDE® Plus product that shows the positive effect genetic selection in the dairy industry can have on environmental sustainability outcomes.
Equip our customers with innovative products to support their ambitious environmental, social and animal welfare goals
In Cattle, we expanded Protivity™, a vaccine to protect against M. Bovis, beyond the U.S. into Canada; launched Dectomax V® also branded as Valcor™ for broad-spectrum treatment and control of parasites; received expanded label approval for implants under the brand name of Synovex® Choice, Synovex® Plus and Synovex® One Feedlot, which have been shown to have performance benefits proven to help make beef production reliable and sustainable.
Celebrated 30 years of providing customers around the world with the Embrex️ Inovoject®️ vaccination device, a result from decades of research, development, innovation and strong customer service to offer an industry-changing solution for hatcheries to vaccinate chicks in ovo (in the egg). This technology has played a major part in improving the health, welfare, profitability and sustainability of poultry production to meet the global demand for an affordable protein.
Launched and received approvals in new markets for recombinant vector vaccines that can be delivered in-ovo under the Poulvac® Procerta brand in several countries including the U.S., Brazil, Mexico and India to give poultry customers solutions to protect against diseases such as Marek’s, infectious bursal and Newcastle diseases. These vaccines are proven to improve health, which can positively impact welfare and productivity to help producers responsibly manage natural resources. Combined with our Embrex Inovoject device, these vaccines can help improve efficiency and productivity in poultry.
Expanded regulatory approvals for IMPROVAC® for use in female pigs intended for market in Europe and Australia which supports pork producers’ animal welfare and productivity goals to improve their sustainability. This complements the decades-long approval of Improvac as an alternative to physical castration in male pigs.

Securing a Sustainable Future through Animal Health
By enhancing the health of livestock, innovative solutions can help contribute to the economic and environmental well-being of farmers and communities as well as support global food security, as the world’s population approaches the United Nations projected 10 billion people by 2050.
We received approvals for or launched new vaccines to support healthier cattle, pigs and poultry, as well as received approval for new labels for beef cattle implants and a new broad-spectrum parasiticide for cattle.

Better Future Framework
Our areas of innovation include developing new vaccines, enhancing diagnostics and genetic tests, exploring new classes of animal-only antibiotics, and advancing novel solutions for the management of infectious disease. As we continue to innovate solutions for animals’ health needs, we will evaluate the sustainability attributes of our current and pipeline products against our Better Future Framework and include this evaluation in our investment decision making.

Download our 2022 Sustainability Report
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